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Autogenic Therapy

Autogenic Therapy is a self-empowering drug free technique which facilitates both physiological and psychological well-being.
Autogenic Therapy has its roots firmly in medicine and is underpinned by a wealth of medical research from meticulous case studies to large clinical trials. It is taught in Medical School in Germany and is practised world-wide.

Resetting and aligning the human system

Autogenic Therapy is a Systemic Therapy which recognises that the body/mind is a self-healing organism, constantly striving to return to homeostasis and to make whole. (Making whole is the etymological meaning of healing.)


• Is easy to learn and taught in 8 x one-hour sessions in approximately that many weeks.

• The cost is simply the training, and once learned Autogenics is a cost-free tool for life. The sessions are £75 each.

• Can be practised in everyday situations with short exercises to be done anytime anywhere.

• Enables you to have an active role in your healing programme.

• Recognises that nobody should have to go through a healing journey alone and offers a short-term relationship of care.

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